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English Rakugo Short Stories
by 鹿鳴家 英楽(Kanariya Eiraku)

22. エンジンの故障

Engine Trouble

22. エンジンの故障

Engine Trouble


A delay of the flight

A man was flying from Narita to Los Angeles on a four-engine plane.
Everything was going along nicely until there came a message from the pilot.

C:   Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.
      One of the engines has broken down, 

      so there will be an hour delay in reaching Los Angeles.

Half an hour later, there came another announcement.

C:    Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain again.
       Two of the engines have broken down, 

       so there will be a two-hour delay in reaching Los Angeles.

An hour later, there came another announcement.

C:    Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain again.
       Three of the engines have broken down, 

       so there will be a three-hour delay in reaching Los Angeles.

The man looked worried and asked the man sitting next to him.

M:    Excuse me, if the last engine breaks down, will there be a four-hour delay?

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